"Thank you for your interest in my work and welcome!

As a mother, I have the privilege of witnessing my children's ever-changing features, blossoming personalities, and the beauty in their expressions. I'm amazed at how quickly they grow, and I feel fortunate to capture these moments.

Although their infancy feels like a distant memory, looking back at their newborn photos, I realize how special these portraits are to me.

My children taught me an important lesson about photography: A meaningful image of your child grows in value over time, becoming a cherished memory.

I aim to provide each client with the ability to hold onto these fleeting moments. It's these seemingly ordinary instances that become some of your most treasured memories."


Meet Ayaka

Capturing Moments, Creating Memories.

how it started

I am an Elk Grove based, professional photographer who has been specializing in newborn and baby photography since 2017.

Photography has always been more than a job or career for me; it's my passion. I absolutely love what I do, and I love meeting new families and seeing the happiness that my work brings to the parents of the babies and children I photograph.
